'Dark Mountain Sky'

Leading international watercolour artist

NG Gurung - Watercolour Artist

NB Gurung

In his 25 plus years as a watercolour artist NB Gurung has twice been selected as a judge and member of the International Watercolor Society’s Art Contest (2012 and 2014) and he is becoming a sought after and much respected artist. Here we are proud to showcase some of his finest original watercolours – and acrylics – and high quality Giclée prints

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Two Ladies Washing Hair Framed Giclee Print by NB Gurung

Two Ladies Washing Hair Framed Giclee Print by NB Gurung

Framed Giclee Prints by NB Gurung

Framed Giclee Prints by NB Gurung

Dark Mountain Sky Giclee print by NB Gurung

Dark Mountain Sky Giclee print by NB Gurung

Brooklyn Bridge framed Giclee Print by NB Gurung

Brooklyn Bridge framed Giclee Print by NB Gurung